All About Living With Porcelain Veneers


By Ascend Dental Studio

Porcelain veneers offer one of the most effective and aesthetic ways to transform your smile. Like the face of a grand building, veneers are porcelain shells that go over the front of your teeth to conceal numerous unaesthetic dental issues. These common, confidence-reducing woes include chips, cracks, decay, stains, and discoloration. And if you’re suffering from any of the previously mentioned issues, you may be a great candidate for our state-of-the-art cosmetic dentistry techniques at Tom Lawler, DMD. 

Dr. Tom Lawler is highly trained in diagnosing and treating various oral health conditions and invites Henderson residents to explore their options with our expert team. 

Benefits of porcelain veneers 

One thing patients enjoy getting used to with porcelain veneers is their new beautified smiles. In addition to our advanced dental techniques, we’re also happy to offer one of the most remarkable materials in the field of cosmetic dentistry: porcelain, which is stain resistant and provides durability, shine, and a natural look. 

Porcelain offers great stain-fighting powers. Porcelain veneers will be more resistant to stains than your natural teeth, though this shouldn’t be an invitation to disregard proper oral care. While your veneers are easy to maintain and don’t require additional or special upkeep, you must still be vigilant about oral care. And you can extend the lifespan of your veneers and keep them brilliant through routine brushing, flossing, and rinsing. To keep your smile shining bright, you should still try to limit or avoid certain staining foods and drinks. 

How to maintain your oral health and get the most out of your porcelain veneers 

Even though the veneers are immune to decay, your teeth are not, and bacteria can still cause infection, cavities, and other dental damage if patients neglect their hygienic duties. In addition, physical stresses can cause undue wear and tear, so we highly recommend that you avoid particularly harmful habits, like using your teeth to tear open containers and chewing on hard or sticky objects, and foods such as pen caps, ice, and taffy, among others. 

It’s also crucial to schedule follow-up appointments so we can monitor your oral health and the status of your veneers. And, with good care, your spectacular smile-enhancing veneers can last around ten years. 

Get a whiter smile with porcelain veneers  

Do you desire a natural-looking, whiter smile that dazzles and conceals various dental issues like chips, cracks, decay, and discoloration? If so, highly trained dental medicine specialist Dr. Tom Lawler is excited to offer the many advantages of porcelain veneers. Dr. Lawler excels at diagnosing and treating oral health conditions, including the many woes caused by a sub-par smile. 

But you don’t have to settle for anything other than stellar because our experienced team at Tom Lawler, DMD is proud to provide a comprehensive range of cosmetic options for patients near Henderson, NV. So, simply contact us today to beautify your smile.