Can Porcelain Veneers Treat Tooth Sensitivity?


By Ascend Dental Studio

At Tom Lawler, DMD, Dr. Tom Lawler uses porcelain veneers to improve how a smile both looks and functions. She uses veneers to help her Henderson, NV patients achieve a straighter and more beautiful-looking smile. They are placed right in front of the existing surface of the teeth, which adds a layer of protection that helps to reduce or remove tooth sensitivity problems. When you’re interested in learning more about porcelain veneers for sensitive teeth, schedule a consultation with our cosmetic dentist.

What causes a tooth to be sensitive?

Some people in Henderson, NV just have more sensitive teeth than others because of thinner enamel. The enamel is the outer layer of the tooth. Tooth enamel can become worn down when:

  • You brush too hard
  • You use a hard toothbrush
  • You grind your teeth
  • You have a high-acid diet
  • You have GERD, gastroparesis, or an eating disorder
  • You are experiencing gum recession

Regular dental exams are important as tooth decay and broken or chipped teeth can leave the dentin of the tooth exposed, which causes sensitivity. Dr. Lawler can detect these oral health problems during your annual dental exam at her office near Henderson, NV.

What are porcelain veneers?

Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the front of the teeth. They can almost instantly improve a smile’s appearance and function. Dr. Lawler uses them during smile makeovers near Henderson, NV to fix several cosmetic smile concerns, including broken, cracked, or chipped teeth, crowded and overlapping teeth, discoloration or stains, crooked teeth (as an alternative to Invisalign®), gaps, or uneven alignment. Veneers help protect the surface of damaged teeth and remove the need for more extensive dental procedures later on at Tom Lawler, DMD.

Getting veneers in Henderson

During your visit, Dr. Lawler prepares your teeth by removing a thin amount of tooth enamel. This is an important step as it ensures that your veneers will sit evenly on your teeth. Digital impressions are taken of your teeth and sent to a dental lab. Temporary veneers are placed on your teeth until your long-term restoration is ready. You will then return to our office near Henderson, NV where we will remove your temporaries and place your high-quality porcelain veneers. A follow-up appointment about two weeks later ensures that your veneers fit best.

Can veneers help with tooth sensitivity?

Ultimately, veneers offer another layer of protection for your teeth, so many of our Henderson, NV patients say they have helped their tooth sensitivity. They protect the front of the teeth where you may have thin enamel. Veneers also offer an incentive for patients to be more diligent about their oral hygiene. Not only do veneers improve a smile, but they also keep your teeth and gums in the best possible condition. They can last up to 15 years with proper brushing and flossing, and regular dental exams and dental cleanings.

Learn if veneers can improve your smile and help your tooth sensitivity

When you’re looking for ways to improve your smile, Dr. Tom Lawler offers her patients in Henderson, NV porcelain veneers. At Tom Lawler, DMD, we help our patients achieve their dream smile. To learn more about veneers, call our office near Henderson, NV to schedule an in-person or online consultation.