Gum Contouring Treatment Can Transform Your Smile


By Ascend Dental Studio

A “gummy smile” reduces confidence for many men and women and can negatively impact overall dental health. A gummy smile manifests when the gums obscure the top portion of the teeth, making them appear smaller than they are. And it can yield an unattractive look that makes people self-conscious. Gum contouring with cosmetic dentist Dr. Tom Lawler can remedy unaesthetic “gumminess” by removing excess gum tissue to provide a healthier, more beautiful grin that individuals are eager to flaunt as often as they can.

This procedure can also remove hiding spots for bacteria, decreasing the risk of decay and associated complications. So, if you’re unhappy with your smile or have any concerns about your gums, please contact us at Tom Lawler, DMD in Henderson, NV.

Gum contouring can transform your smile, but how does it work?

We begin the procedure by applying a mild local anesthetic to minimize pain. We can also administer sedation in cases where anxiety may hold one back from pursuing this invaluable treatment. Generally, we can complete a gum contouring procedure in a single visit, which begins with a professional gum cleaning.

Once your gums have been treated and dried, Dr. Lawler will utilize a state-of-the-art laser system to cut the excess gums away from the teeth. The laser action causes cauterization, so there’s minimal bleeding. Afterward, we perform a thorough cleaning so you can enjoy your transformed gumline and smile. You may experience swelling and tenderness as you recover, but these effects will dissipate as the gums heal over the following 1 – 3 weeks.

How else can gum contouring benefit my oral health?

Gum contouring has significant benefits beyond transforming your smile by correcting a “gummy” appearance that causes one’s teeth to appear too small, or abnormally sized or shaped. You can also benefit from a more even gumline without crookedness. Gum contouring could also address a gumline that has migrated too high due to gingivitis and gum recession. Your new aesthetics also yield health benefits, as gum contouring reduces the risk of oral disease, infection, and resulting complications.

If you’d like a higher, more even, natural-looking gumline, you may be a good candidate for gum contouring. Many patients also have a history of oral infections or gum disease (gingivitis) due to the excess gum tissue providing a breeding place for bacteria. And gingivitis can lead to numerous adverse consequences, including decay, cavities, and further harm to the dental tissues if it’s not treated promptly.

Reshape your gums for a more beautiful, healthier smile

Gum contouring isn’t just a cosmetic treatment for a more spectacular smile – it can also transform your oral health by diminishing the risk of infection and gum disease in Henderson. NV. At Tom Lawler, DMD, our experienced dental team uses the most advanced, effective techniques. So, reach out to us today to see how Dr. Tom Lawler can best serve you and help you achieve your dream smile.