How Permanent Are Gum Contouring Results?


By Ascend Dental Studio

Most people who visit Dr. Tom Lawler want to fix their uneven gumline. At Tom Lawler, DMD, we resolve oral health problems as a result of a gummy smile with laser gum contouring. When the top portion of the teeth is covered with excess gum tissue, it makes the teeth look small. With gum contouring in Henderson, our cosmetic dentist can remove small parts of the gums to create a better contour. This also creates a better-looking smile and improves oral health because it reduces the places that bacteria can get trapped. Ultimately, this helps our patients in Henderson, NV reduce their risk of developing tooth decay and periodontal disease. To learn more about gum contouring surgery, schedule an in-person or online consultation at our professional dental office.

What causes a gummy smile?

Many things can cause the gums to be too low or high, including health problems, taking certain medication, or genetics. Gums that are too high and make the teeth look long are most often caused by gum recession. Gum recession can lead to tooth decay, the onset of periodontal disease, and even tooth loss. This is why it’s important to never ignore when your gums begin to look different.

Who is the best candidate for gum contouring?

You are a good candidate for gum contouring surgery in Henderson, NV when:

  • You want to restore your smile
  • Your gums cover the majority of your teeth
  • You have no existing dental issue (if you do, they must be resolved before gum removal surgery)
  • You get frequent oral infections
  • You have gum disease that is caused by bacteria hiding beneath your extra gum tissue.

What can laser gum contouring treat?

Laser gum treatment can be used for much more than just excess gum removal, but to treat other conditions, including:

  • Gum disease
  • Oral growths
  • Peri-implantitis
  • TMD

How does gum contouring work?

At Tom Lawler, DMD, we perform gum contouring in our Henderson, NV dental office using a mild local anesthetic. We also offer sedation therapy for nervous patients, so they can feel comfortable. Before laser gum contouring begins, the teeth and gums are thoroughly cleaned and dried fully. Dr. Lawler uses the BIOLASE® Epic™ laser to cut away excess gum tissue. This gives you a higher gumline. This laser tool also cauterizes tissue, which minimizes bleeding throughout treatment. Once she’s satisfied with the results, she cleans your mouth thoroughly.

After your gum contouring treatment, swelling or tenderness is normal and should subside a few weeks later when the gums fully heal. She will give you tips on how to keep your gums healthy and clean during recovery. Regular dental exams and routine dental cleanings are important after you get gum contouring and to maintain your oral health best.

Will my insurance cover gum contouring?

Gum contouring is usually considered cosmetic and an elective procedure, so it isn’t covered by dental insurance. However, Dr. Lawler does accept different payment methods and low-interest financing. At your consultation, we can calculate the estimated costs associated with your gum contouring treatment.

Learn how gum contouring improves your smile and oral health

Dr. Tom Lawler offers gum contouring to patients to remedy both their smile and oral health. At Tom Lawler, DMD, we offer this laser gum contouring treatment at just one visit. To learn if you’re an ideal candidate for gum contouring treatment, schedule a consultation by calling our Henderson, NV dental office today.