Seven Facts to Know About A Smile Makeover


By Ascend Dental Studio

Have you experienced damage that has made you feel self-conscious about your smile in Henderson, NV? Dr. Tom Lawler can help her patients correct imperfections to improve their smiles. A smile makeover in Henderson, NV can address these cosmetic concerns with smile makeover procedures. A smile makeover offers a smile rejuvenation that improves both oral health and function. During a dental exam at Tom Lawler, DMD, we can examine your teeth and gums to detect oral health problems that must be addressed before a smile makeover can begin. Our professional team is pleased to offer superior dental care and cosmetic dentistry to improve your smile and oral health.

What is a smile makeover?

A smile makeover in Henderson, NV is either a standalone procedure or series of cosmetic dentistry procedures that improve how a smile looks and functions. Some of these procedures can be restorative, meaning they help repair damaged teeth. Dr. Lawler offers her patients throughout Henderson, NV smile makeovers to help renew their self-confidence.

A smile makeover is unique to each patient and can be solely for cosmetic reasons. The best way to know if a smile makeover is right for you is to schedule a consultation. During your visit, our smile makeover dentist will perform a full dental exam that will look for potential oral health issues that must be remedied before any cosmetic dentistry procedures begin. A custom treatment plan will be created to address any of your concerns and to help you achieve your dream smile.

What to know about a smile makeover

Before committing to a smile makeover, you will want to be familiar with your options near Henderson, NV. So, what should patients know about a smile makeover?

  1. It can correct many aesthetic concerns: Smile makeover procedures help repair many oral health problems, including yellowing, stains or discoloration, cracked or chipped teeth, gaps, tooth loss, crowded, uneven, worn, or misshapen teeth.
  2. Smile makeovers can involve different procedures: A smile makeover can include procedures that correct misaligned teeth, improve a bad bite, or replace missing teeth. These procedures may include dental implants, porcelain veneers, and teeth whitening.
  3. They do more than just improve a smile’s appearance: A smile makeover can repair or restore damaged or missing teeth to function again. Depending on each patient’s needs, dental implants, dental bonding and contouring, or dental bridges are a few of the cosmetic dentistry procedures that may be used to improve their oral health.
  4. Most patients are ideal candidates: We perform smile makeovers on a variety of patients’ needs after assessing the condition of their teeth and learning about their lifestyle.
  5. It isn’t a cookie-cutter process: Dr. Lawler creates a customized smile makeover plan for each patient that addresses their smile concerns.
  6. Gums matter too: Smile makeovers may be about teeth, but gums may also play a major role in how your smile looks. When left untreated, gum disease can lead to missing or loose teeth, tooth sensitivity, and tooth decay.
  7. Not all cosmetic dentists are the same: Dr. Lawler has years of experience helping her patients near Henderson, NV achieve their dream smile.

Will my insurance cover a smile makeover?

This depends on whether or not the cosmetic dentistry procedure will restore your oral health. If it is deemed elective and not medically necessary, your insurance probably won’t cover the procedure.

Achieve your dream smile with a smile makeover

When you’re looking for a way to improve how your smile looks, Dr. Tom Lawler, offers smile makeover procedures that improve how a smile looks and functions. During your first visit, she will evaluate your teeth and gums to see if any procedures must be done before a smile makeover starts. To learn more about a smile makeover and to schedule a consultation at Tom Lawler, DMD, call our Henderson, NV area office today.