Three Signs You May Need Gum Contouring Treatments


By Ascend Dental Studio

The appearance of your smile is often the first impression you make, and maintaining healthy gums is crucial for achieving that perfect smile. While many people prioritize the appearance of their teeth, the condition of your gums is equally important in creating an aesthetically pleasing smile.

If you notice any signs of gum issues, such as an uneven gumline, excess gum tissue, or gum recession, it may be time to consider laser gum contouring treatments to help you achieve a beautiful, balanced smile. Dr. Tom Lawler at Tom Lawler, DMD near Henderson, NV, is highly trained in treating oral health conditions and utilizes the BIOLASE® Epic™ laser to perform gum contouring treatments.

What is gum contouring treatment?

Gum contouring, also known as gum reshaping, is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that involves removing or reshaping gum tissue to enhance the appearance of the gums and teeth. The goal of gum contouring is to create a more balanced, aesthetically pleasing smile by removing excess gum tissue, correcting an uneven gumline, or restoring gum tissue that has receded.

If you notice any of the following three signs, it may be time to consider gum contouring treatments in Henderson, NV.

1. Uneven gumline

If your gums are uneven, they can make your teeth appear asymmetrical and throw off the balance of your smile. Many factors, including heredity, gum disease, and poor dental hygiene, can contribute to uneven gums. Gum contouring can fix crooked gumlines, creating a more balanced, aesthetically pleasing smile. During your treatment, Dr. Lawler will carefully reshape your gums to create a more even gumline.

2. Excess gum tissue

If you have excess gum tissue, it can make your teeth appear smaller than they are. This is known as a “gummy” smile, and it may result from genetics, medications, or certain medical conditions. Gum contouring can remove excess gum tissue and expose more of your teeth, creating a more youthful and attractive smile. Dr. Lawler will use advanced laser technology to gently remove excess gum tissue with little to no pain or discomfort. The result is a smile that looks natural and balanced.

3. Gum recession

Gum recession occurs when the gums pull away from the teeth, exposing more of the tooth’s surface. This can cause sensitivity, discomfort, and even tooth loss. Gum contouring can help restore the appearance of your gums and protect your teeth from further damage. Dr. Lawler will carefully reshape your gum tissue to cover exposed roots, protecting your teeth and restoring your smile. The procedure is quick and virtually painless, with minimal recovery time.

Transform your gums with laser gum treatment in Henderson, NV

If you are experiencing any of these three signs and looking to improve the appearance of your smile, it may be time to consider gum contouring treatments. Dr. Tom Lawler uses advanced laser technology to provide fast, virtually painless, and effective treatments that produce beautiful, long-lasting results. Schedule an appointment at Tom Lawler, DMD, near Henderson, NV, to learn more about how gum contouring can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.